Monday, May 14, 2007

So you want to borrow an item from another library

Now what?

You can submit your request in several ways:
We will need your library card number, contact information, and as much information about the item you want as you can find.

Why your library card number? If you do not have a library card, you cannot borrow CCPL items. If you can't borrow CCPL items, we cannot ask other libraries to lend their items to us for you.

We take your contact information in as many forms as possible so we can be sure of reaching you when your item is available, or if we have a question about your request. We can contact you by mail, by phone, or by e-mail.

The more we know about the item you want, the better chance we have of finding it. This is especially true when the same title is available in a variety of formats - book, CD, DVD, etc. At minimum, we need a title and author for books/books on CD, title and artist for music CDs, and title and release date for DVDs.

Interlibrary loan items, like CCPL items, can be sent to any branch. We need to know which branch you use so we can send the item there for you. You will be notified by phone, e-mail or postcard when the item is available.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I love the info this blog provides. When did we get an online ILL form?!?!?! ILL does rock!