Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How many ILL items can I have?

Interlibrary loan requests are limited to 4 "active" requests at one time.

What is an "active" request?
  • an item that we are searching for
  • an item that we have received, but is on its way to a branch for you
  • an item that is checked out to you
  • an item that is in-library use only, but is still being held for you
  • an item that has been returned, but is on its way back to us

Requests for photocopies only count as active until the copies arrive at CCPL; since they do not have to be returned, the request becomes inactive upon our receipt of the copies.

If you exceed your limit, the extra requests are placed in a hold file in the interlibrary loan department. They are processed as items on your account are returned or become inactive.

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