Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Can I get the new Harry Potter book via ILL?

Unfortunately, no.

Most libraries will not lend items that have just been released. If this sounds selfish, think about it - if CCPL had a hot new item that everyone wanted, would you want us to send it out to another library system? We're all looking out for our own patrons here - the ones who provide the tax base to keep us going. These libraries would be happy to lend the item several months down the road, when their patrons' demands for the item have decreased.

So now what? CCPL is always happy to entertain suggestions for purchase. They can be submitted in the library, by phone, or via our AskAQuestion service (http://www.ccpl.org/content.asp?id=14596&action=detail&catID=5407&parentID=5373).

In most cases, the item will be purchased, and those who requested it notified. If the item is not purchased, those who requested it will be notified as well - and then we can try the interlibrary loan process.

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