Thursday, June 28, 2007

My request has disappeared

When we place an order for an item from another library, a brief (temporary) record is placed in our catalog for the title, and a hold is placed for the patron who ordered it. The tracking number on the title is the same as the number assigned by OCLC, the national database we use for ordering items.

Not all requests are filled on the first (or second) go-round. When a request bounces back to us as unfilled -- after visiting five libraries -- we remove the temporary record for the title with its tracking number, to avoid confusion. If we are able to find other libraries that have the item, we place another order for it. A new brief record is created -- with the new tracking number -- and a hold is placed for the patron.

If we are unable to locate any more libraries that own the item, we contact the patron. This is usually done by postcard, but if an e-mail address is included on the request form, we respond by e-mail.

There is sometimes a time lag between the deletion of one temporary record and its replacement by another. We handle many, many requests every day, and sometimes we have a backlog of new records to place in the catalog. We do the best we can to have all new records in by the end of our business day, but occasionally we have an overnight lag.

If you have any questions regarding your request, please feel free to contact us. Your local branch may be able to provide some information, but more detailed information is available from our department directly (I L L (at) c c p l (dot) org) or 805-6940.

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