Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Digitized children's books

The Library of Congress has digitzed 50 older (1915 and earlier) children's books in their Rare Book and Special Collections Reading Room. Check it out at


Found via Librarian in Black

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Back from SCLA

I spent the last few days in Columbia at the SCLA annual conference. It is great to connect with fellow librarians who are making great strides in the library profession and are willing to share how they did it with others.

The Resource Sharing Interest Group is looking at a number of ways to regenerate and connect interlibrary loan and resource sharing staff across South Carolina. Our first initiative will be a survey sent to all resource sharing staff across the state. What we hope to accomplish is to create a community for sharing tips and tricks, and to provide help to each other when needed.

So watch your snail mail and e-mail - your survey will be available soon!