The ILL department tries its best to include all of the information needed on the outside of every interlibrary loan item. This includes:
- The due date for the item (in nice red ink so it stands out)
- The item ID (for tracking purposes)
- Out telephone number
- Any applicable restrictions (no bookdrop, no renewals, etc)
It is frustrating to hear that the information hasn't been read, or worse, has been removed, despite the large black lettering that says DO NOT REMOVE THIS STRIP. If the strip is removed, the front line staff do not always know that what they have received is an interlibrary loan item. The yellow band serves both staff and patrons by enabling quick identification and return of items to the correct location.
Staff: Please help us out by reminding patrons not to remove the yellow band.
Patrons: Please help us out by leaving the yellow band on the item.